Madrid Spain
Under new legislation by Biden, asylum seekers on Mexico, and US border face greater danger.
United State President Biden has recently visited El Paso Texas and Ciudad Juarez on a tour of the border facilities.
The new policy was made to reduce the number of immigrants crossing the border to the United States.
The plan is to allow 30,000 asylum seekers into the United States with a two-year work permit under the condition they have sponsorship and pass a background check.
Otherwise, anyone crossing the border without the required documentation will be expelled to Mexico and barred from the program.
Those seeking refuge in the United States without access to information on policies, legal requirements, and safety should not be turned away by the United States border patrol.
In addition to any new policy legislation enacted to reduce “illegal” border crossing, there must be a humane protocol for all asylum seekers to secure their safety.
Without humane procedures that dignify human life, there is a result of violence, suffering, and cruelty.